General info
Moscow, Russia
Moscow-based photographer Vasiliy Kudryavtsev’s work reflects the hectic lifestyle of a Russian man, who finds himself in the motley world of international show business. A bizarre mélange of teenage angst, Soviet-esque sculpture and a draw towards American culture is reflected in Mr. Kudryavtsev’s photography. Kudryavtsev’s portfolio is a kaleidoscope of candid observations of human contradiction and modern contemporaries. Vasiliy looks for a small piece of himself in each frame, and almost every one of Kudryavtsev’s characters are in their own way his brothers and sisters, people from his close circle of friends. As a child, Vasiliy dreamed of becoming a pilot but in the end he found himself playing the role of pioneer in the world of Russian gloss media. 90 percent of Kudryavstev’s shots are wet film. Kudryavtsev’s passion has not faded over the decades and he continues to make new strides into different formats: from traditional portrait work to fashion history and artistic.
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