General info
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(347) 354-4827
Welcome to Studio 5K, the portfolio of celebrated fine artist & humble craftsman JA'CO. JA'CO grew up in New York City. And soon, the city and all of its creative vibrations, grew in him. From nineteenth century church restorations to art deco hotel renovations to installing fine art installations at the Guggenheim--JA'CO found himself attracted to the physical and creative challenges of the building trades from an early age. And throughout much of his art(see resume) you see vestiges of his professional skills gleaned from 25 years as a union carpenter. His formal education took him to numerous art institutions including Johnson Atelier and the Penland School of Craft. There, he created a body of abstract work in bronze, iron, found materials, clay and wood. JA'CO's inspiration hails from many spiritual sources. From Nuyorican poet Pedro Petri to the melodic drum rhythms of Jerome Cooper to the shrines adorning inner city neighborhood botanicas and the candle lit alters found in community gardens scattered throughout Spanish Harlem and the Lower East Side of yesteryear. Also captured in his art, traces of Native American and African influences that invoke the artist's mixed African and Cherokee Indian heritage. JA'CO invites all to celebrate the work on his site...and His light.
Mercerville, N.J.
Bronze casting
New York, NY
The Educational Alliance
Metal sculpture
Birmingham, Alabama
Cast iron furnace construction and pouring with George Beasley.
Spruce Pine, North Carolina
Pottery, blacksmithing, woodworking and metal sculpture

Iron with Ira Dekovan
Basket Weaving with Pattie O'Neal
Ceramics with Mary Roehm
Paper Making with Betty Oliver (may she rest in peace)

Penland Studio Construction
Syracuse, N.Y.
Bachelor of Science
New York, N.Y.
Clay with Yetti Matrani; photography; woodworking
Art Shows
New York, N.Y.
The Ernest Rubenstein Gallery
Works in Clay
An Exhibition of Wood, Clay & Metal
New York, N.Y.
Design Masters Intergroup Gallery
From Folk to Funk
Afrocentric Clocks
Sag Harbor, N.Y.
Jonkonnu Gallery
"Higher Vibrations"
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Sag Harbor, N.Y.
Union Carpenter / New York, N.Y.

Partition work, concrete forms, wood work, supervision of 10+ carpenters, structural roof and steeple construction; slate restoration and installation; copper work--gutters and standing seam. flat solder seam; oversaw construction of new office buildings; developed and built Westside Community Garden; restorative carpentry at the Richmond Town Parsonage, S.I., cabinet maker for grandfather clock maker, George Gravesande.
Union Carpenter / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Restoration of historic churches
Fine art installations
Preservation of historic churches
Steeple, slate and copper restorations
High school science teacher; swim team coach; developed wilderness survival curriculum involving 25 students for one week adventure on Appalachian Trail.
Meet JA'CO
a word from the artist...
Expressing myself sculpturally for the past 30 years--inspired by folk art, found art and fine art, and tapping in and out of the building trades--I've incorporated craft with the underlying intricacies that harness the many unifying forces which give rise to a visual structure. Mental spontaneity captivated by a spiritually guided sense of craft has allowed me to achieve various abstractions, rendering a feeling of resolve.
Thrust into new environments and challenged with new materials have kept my creative spirit alive. Communicating with forms placed before me renders a quiet discourse between mind and material which dictates a new configuration or simply one to be left alone providing its own resolve and balance. Through this never ending relationship, a dialogue evolves releasing me into a new creation.

Gallery Setup
a note about the installations...
Components of each installation were photographed within the confines of the rounded corner created. However, specific spacial arrangement will be determined by each unique gallery space allowing each installation to be spread across walls and floors allowing them to breathe and take on there own sense of being.

Although candle light is preferred for gallery viewing, the photographs on this site use studio lighting to capture all the minute detail giving each component just due.