General info
Visual Artist
Brussels, Belgium / Europe
Ludivine Lechat, Visual Artist, graduated in the Transmedia Postgraduate program in Art + Media + Design (Brussels), has now years of experience in her field and started a Phd in the Arts (Antwerp). Currently working as a visual Artist and Researcher in the Arts. Specializing in Digital Illustrations inspired by nature. Her work is applied in various domains such as the graphic design industry (corporate identity and illustration), interior design, computer games and healthcare.
Contact Info.
Contact Me
Adress: La Lustrerie - Business Centre / Rue des Palais 153, 1030 Bruxelles
Digital Artwork / Modular Design
A lot of my work deals with nature: plants, insects, creatures, behavior, evolution. To me there is nothing more fascinating. I adore the small details that seemingly fall outside of the general system. Research and analysis are an integral part of my artistic frame. I tend to examine each assignment thoroughly. Then I slice it up into comprehensible pieces and create artwork for each of these pieces. The result is a library of building blocks: not one single panoramic composition, but a graphic set of components. Things I can recombine again and again into new compositions. it's not just about creating one piece of art. My work is about evolution, reusability, recombination.
Beauty / Nature
I do believe in the impact of visual beauty in our surroundings. I create designs & illustrations to enhance products, services & spaces that we daily deal with. To improve the conditions in which we live and to provide tangible art experiences.
My main goal is Creative stimulation; to inspire others and give them a moment of wonder.
We all are touched by the beauty of nature and it is therefor my greatest inspiration source.
Digital Nature for Healthcare (2016-2020). Research on visual Art & Healthcare to reduce stress in children.
A study on the effects of new media art (digital illustration inspired by nature) and interactive play on the major stressors of young patients.

Medical Art Therapy of the Future: Building an Interactive Virtual Underwater World in a Children’s Hospital :
Exhibitions, Publications ...
2024 - pop-up profile exhibition evoStar 2024 - Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales (UK)
2019 - Showing Off 4, Because we care - Muhka Antwerpen (BE)
2018 - Supernova MAS - Antwerpen (BE)
2018 - Lodgersprogramma - Muhka Antwerpen (BE)
2017 - StoryTable - Dag van de wetenschap - Antwerpen (BE)
2017 - Design September, Brussels (BE) 
2016 - Botanical Garden Meise, Brussels (BE)
2016 - Heimtextil Xeikon Booth, Frankfurt (DE)
2015 - Northmodern, Copenhagen (DK),
2015 - B Classic - Music Festival, Tongeren (BE)
2014 - Design Exhibition 2014, Jemeppe Castle (BE)
2014 - Interior designers & Artisans d'Art 2014, Bourlingster (LUX)
2013 - Fresh! New Textile Talents, Design September, Brussels (BE)
2013 - Valence, World Maker Faire, New York 2013 (US)
2012 - Valence at Design Biennale, Kortrijk (BE)
2012 - Open Doors, Design September, Brussels (BE)
2012 - Valence, TEDX Brainport, Eindhoven (NL)
2011 - Nanophysical, Tender Buttons, Gent (BE)
2011 - Valance, Creativity World Forum, Hasselt (BE)
2010 - Nanophysical, Palace of Academies for Science & the Arts, Brussels (BE)
2010 - Creativity World Forum, Oklahome (USA)
2010 - Cityinabottle, E-Culturefair 2010, Dortmund (DE)
2010 - Wallflower, International Design Biennal of Liege, Liege (BE)
2010 - Self-replication, Art Museum, Lathi (FIN)
2010 - Nanophysical, Imec, Leuven (BE)  2009 - Superfolia & Creature, World Wide Wonders, Gent (BE)
2008 - Superfolia, Dag van het Artistiek Onderzoek, Gent (BE)
2008 - Fascinating Little things!, Matuvu, Brussels (BE)
2007 - Evolution, AB +Torino (IT)
2007 - Evolution, G.C.D. & Latifolia, Soylent White, Brussels (BE)
2007 - Superfolia, Sint Lucas Antwerp (BE)
2006 - Evolution & G.C.D., Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
2006 - Evolution, DorkBot, Gent (BE) 
2018 - publication EvoMusart, Medical Art therapy for the Future, By Lechat L., De Smedt T., Mesncheart L., Dhar M., Norga K.,Toelen J.
2018 - featured in Deutscher Drucker / german magazine for the printing industry
2017 - MNM VLOG, Dag van de wetenschap
2017 - Belfius smart Care Award: De Tijd, Actualcare, MVA Vlaanderen, Metrotime,
2016 - Story Table: Flanders Today, Metrotime
2013 - featured in Publish, Magazine
2011 - publication of Generative art inspired by nature, in NodeBox, By De Smedt T., Lechat L., Daelemans W.
2010 - Creativity World Forum, Catalog
2010 - Travelling Letters, Catalog
2010 - Design Nature, Catalog
2009 - City in a bottle in champdAction issue 2009-10
2007 - Evolution in Add!ct magazine #27 (Gaming issue)
2007 - GCD and Superfolia in Add!ct magazine #28 (Nano issue)
2007 - Superfolia in ADD-magazine #6
2006 - ADD-magazine #2 on Graphic Cellular Domestication

Lecture & Others
2023 - Lecturer : Artistic Research, ILES, Brussels (BE)
2021 - Lecturer : Digital Nature for Healthcare - ZNA , Antwerpen (BE)
2020 - Lecturer : PhD Defence Digital Nature for Healthcare - ARIA/UA (BE)
2019 - Lecturer / Workshop: Projectweek 2019 Story Table, Digital Modular Illustration - Sint Lucas Antwerp (BE)
2019 - Workshop: Collaboration with De leerexpert Ziekenhuisschool - University Hospital Antwerp (BE)
2018 Lecturer: Signite, SIG writing impressions - Academic event UA (BE)
2018 - Workshop: Lodgersprogramma - Muhka Antwerp (BE)
2018 - Diptalks, Luca Brussel (BE)
2018 - Panelguest: Talent voor morgen, Vlhora Congres - Brussels (BE)
2018 - Lecturer, EvoMusart Conference 2018, Parma (IT)
2017 - Lecturer, Games for Health Europe, Eindhoven (NL)
2017 - Lecturer, Dag van het onderzoek, University Antwerp (BE)
2017 - Invited Artist: Digital illustration - Institut Montjoie Uccle (BE)
2017 - Workshop: Research and collaboration with Jeugd&Poezie - DeBib Ukkel (BE)
2016/17 - Studentcoach, Sint Lucas School of Art, Antwerp (BE)
2015 - Workshop, Toekomst Atelier de l' Avenir
2013 - Exhibition organiser - Fresh! Design September 2013 (BE)
2012 - Lecturer, This happend, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL)
2012 - Project evaluator at Transmedia, Sint Lukas Brussels (BE)
2011 - Lecturer, EvoMusart, Conference on evolutionary Computing, Turin (IT)
2010 - Lecturer - LAB -0, Researchday, Sint Lucas Antwerp (BE)
2007 - Member of the jury, Graphic Design, Sint Lukas Brussels (BE)
2006 - Visiting Artist at Transmedia, Sint Lukas Brussels (BE)

2017: nomination, Story Table, Smart Care Award, Belfius (1st). 
Brussels, Belgium
Nov 2003 - Jun 2005
Postgraduate - Program in Media + Art + Design (with honors)
Brussels, Belgium
Oct 1999 - Jun 2003
Master - Program in audiovisual + plastic arts / Graphic Design
Favorite Quote
The relation of work and play, is the source of style and beauty - by Malcolm McCullough
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