Flor Leibaschoff
Creative Director / Writer
Dallas, TX
Selected work
YC Cannes Silver
- Cheeseburger
- Tie
- T-Shirt
Encanto Pops
- PICKLE - We created a new LTE flavor for Mother's Day along with this ad.
- Legs
XXtra Flamin' Hot
- Scorpion
- Mosquito
- Cactus
Southwest Airlines Puerto Rico OOH
- From: Nudist To: Dressed up 2 Bags Fly Free. Only @ Southwest Airlines
- From: When are we seeing each other To: How good you look Low Fairs only @ Southwest Airlines
- Take everything you need and you don't. 2 Bags Fly Free only @ Southwest Airlines
- Any seat but the pilot's. Free Assigned Seats only @ Southwest Airlines
- Low Fairs that are very fair only @ Southwest Airlines
- Mature. Real Fruit. - Among Hispanics it is known that fruits in the US last way too long to feel like the ones from their native countries. The joke is about how fruit in the US looks like plastic because it doesn't taste the same and it never goes bad. Unlike real fruit from Latin countries.
- Sun
Sara's Secret
- Drill OOH
- Closet
- Hose
Nissan Versa
- Blueprint. Designed for more room.
Nissan Altima 2013
- Corner Office.The corner office is yours.
- Race. The feeling of winning the race everyday.
Nissan FB Promo
- Welcome. Find the new Pathfinder.
- The Pathfinder left for an adventure. Help us find it.
- The Pathfinder left for an adventure. Help us find it.
- The Pathfinder left for an adventure. Help us find it.
- The Pathfinder left for an adventure. Help us find it.
- Thanks for entering the contest. Keep on participating next week.
Sabritas. The 3 phrases, are very well known Mexican sayings. If you are Mexican you should know them. Like Sabritas.
- Moreno
- Astucia
- Puntita
Lay's Cheddar Cheese
- Potato
Cheetos Salsa Roja
- Junior
- Lady
Reporte Publicidad Magazine
- Cigar
- Heads
- Deflate
Latino Cultural Center
- Ballerina
- The Home Depot - Holiday 2020
- Sara's Secret - Cucumber
- Famous Footware
- XOOM - Save the Pigs
- XOOM - Lost&Found
- XOOM - Vet
- Glad Trash Clorox - Chandelier
- Glad Trash Clorox - Piano
- Sprint - Grandpa
- Glad - Clorox Southpole
- Gatorade - Field
- Sierra Mist - Sidewalk
- Ice Breakers - Ring
- Southwest Airlines
- Southwest Airlines
- Avocados From Mexico - Fortune Teller
- XOOM - Therapy Chase
- Yupi
- Mouth
- Yes We Can
- Cuál
- Years
- Little Angel & Comeback
- Story
- On Hold
- Al Revés
- Better a Kit Kat
- Headache
- When you text and drive you stop paying attention for 4.6 seconds in average. Enough for you to miss (lose) a lot of important t
- When you text and drive you stop paying attention for 4.6 seconds in average. Enough for you to miss (lose) a lot of important t
Interactive + Case Studies
- Avocados From Mexico - Guacworld Super Bowl
- Avocados From Mexico - Underdogs
- Safeword: Colonoscopy.
- BanCoppel - Mexico can be a complicate city to pick up money, its not as easy as in the US. When sending money to your love ones, make it easier to them with BanCoppel.
- Sara's Secret
- Xoom Case Study -
- Juke The City
- Macheetos Case Study
- Lloro de la emoción. BLOG.
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