General info
Designer & Illustrator
Oslo, Norway
After setting Ill.Design to life in 2005 I have had the pleasure to work with a variety of agencies and publishers.

Among the clients are: MTV, Netcom, Scandinavian Airlines, McDonalds, NHO, Antibac, Popular Mechanics, Bonnier Amigo, Rema1000, Adecco, Djuice, LOS, Tee Productions and Aschehough.

Agencies: DDB, McCann, TBWA Oslo, Red Kommunikasjon, Gyro, JCP, Ludens Reklame, Bakerman, Kikkut
Oslo, Norway
May 2005 - Present
Illustrator & Graphic designer
Oslo, Norway
Aug 2003 - May 2006
Graphic design/Illustration
NKF - Norwegian School of Creative Studies
Built on Krop