Who's that girl? Wouldn't you like to know! You would? Let's do it.
Making funny faces. Telling long stories. Life. Nailing an idea. Helvetica… Neue, preferably. Being right. Discovering I was wrong and figuring out why. Cooking! Lip syncing and dancing in my chair. Making people laugh. Movies! All the binge-worthy not cringy-worthy TV. Incomplete or run-on sentences. My awesome husband, whose laugh is only bested by his own design abilities. Beautiful calligraphy. The thrill of learning, even if it means my education will never end. Anything food-related. My two boys, who are everything for real.
Long toenails. Inhumane acts in society. People that can’t communicate or don’t want to try to communicate. Not knowing your craft or the tools to perfect your craft. Design without purpose or reason. Pretentiousness. Squishy foods, except for mashed potatoes and banana pudding. Homemade commercials for law firms. Poor typesetting.
Dead-on Janis Joplin karaoke. Getting really excited about little things. Being an Arkansan (evidently). Being unintentionally funny. Being oddly happy 95% of the time. Being “intense” without being aggressive or angry.