The entire experience starts with the recreation/flashback video "What's my best shot?" is a dynamic site rooted in Kareem's inspiring timeline.. and moves on...scrolling horizontally...
..through his amazing accomplishments... his CML diagnosis... all his new milestones his treatment and further success...
"The Game Goes On" Treatment Video
...bringing visitors to a landing page that invites them to join... through education, community and participation.
They can view the timelines of other CML advocates
...and explore different lives...
...seeing that others are living with CML...
...and continuing with their milestones and their lives.
And then they can create their very own CML journey to add to the community.
...replicates the online experience with a long horizntal format...
...that rolls out to detail the specifcs of CML treatment and testing...
...and invites them to start their timeline on back and online.
Facebook—one of the first black-box drugs in social media, we invite and advertise to extend our community to existing ones
And we moderate our discussion while keeping posts fresh
Larger-than-life 3D hologram announcing our new celebrity spokesperson
Patient Summit announcement of spokesperson