Milwaukee, WI
I am a resourceful and interdisciplinary educator; I teach community, critical analysis, awareness of process. My research is done in several parts, each feeding the other: visual art, theoretical writing, and client work. As a designer, I deliver vibrant work that speaks effortlessly and specifically to the audience…including meticulous print and web design that features developed skills in both visual and written communication.
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Selected work
- Siskin Children’s Hospital Newsletter
- AIGA Wisconsin Debbie Millman Event Poster
- Seed Exhibition Poster, AIGA Ten Show Medalist (Juror: Art Chantry)
- Design Studies Forum Website Design
- Exhibition Cards for Artists Ron Buffington and Maggie Mcmahon
- Branding and Brochure Design for Abundia Women’s Retreat
- UT-Chattanooga Women's Studies Newsletter Redesign
- UT-Chattanooga Cress Gallery Exhibition Marketing Materials
- UT-Chattanooga Cress Gallery Exhibition Marketing Materials
- UT-Chattanooga Cress Gallery Exhibition Marketing Materials
- Seed Collective Advertising
- Bilingual Poster Set – Latino Arts Project, Chattanooga, TN
- PR Brochure for Chattanooga Businesswoman Dr. Lilan Laishley
- Logo, Color Palette, Presentation Consulting for Chicago Creative Group
- Shorewood Artists Guild Art at the Atrium 3
- fold: the reader, Volume 1 LYING
- fold: the reader, Volume 2 SACRIFICE
- This Is Ventriloquism, Installation of Poster and Video Installation
- Parasite, Installation at Seed Show
- Economy 1-3
- RED SEA + LOVE, Installation with Writer Brad Elliott
- fold: the reader, Targ + Elliott Pages
- Insight Into Adolescence, XOXO Exhibition, Collection of Amy and Tim Decker
- Interrelated Forms in Typography; Experimentation with Non-Roman Alphabets
- Letterform Shapes and Terminology; Visual/Verbal Accentuation of Meaning
- Swiss International Style Typography; Grid Systems; Identity System Design; Monogram/Logo Design
- Layout; Degrees of Convention
- Visual Literacy; Adobe Suite Covered
- Visual Literacy Book Cover Project; Adobe Suite Covered
- Poster Design; Typography; Image + Text; Idea Generation Systems
- USPS Stamp Set; Layout; Cohesion and Variety in Grouped Elements; Modular Deign
- Invented Museum Poster and Writing; Design and Editing of Multiple Texts; Managing Color Restrictions
- Business Ethics Covered; Typesetting Extensive Copy; AIGA Brochure
- Typeface Design; Concepted Around Chosen Animal
- Graphic Relationships in Photography
- Conceptual Depth in Photographic Imagery; Image Pairs Project
- Photoshop Pen Tool Covered; Sequence of an Action Poster; Conceptual Design
- Self-Generated Work; Conceptual Systems; Alternatives for Idea Generation
- Self-Generated Project for Capstone Exhibition
- Self-Generated Project for Capstone Exhibition; Concept: Manipulation of American Icons
- Self-Generated Work Exhibited in Conjunction with Sculpture Students
- Market Research; Product and Packaging Design; Writing Sales Plan Covered
- Magazine Writing and Design; Ad Sales and Design; Print Production; Independent Magazine Distribution; Semester-long Project
- Magazine Writing and Editing; Multiple-Page Document Design; Collaboration; Ad Sales; Distribution; Print Production
View Rebecca's Resume for more information. |